Saturday, October 18, 2008

Blogging is time consuming

I am just discovering this. I thought I'd simply be writing a post or two and hitting enter but then there's posting images. Should I keep them small for transfer's sake or large for clarity's sake. How do I keep them small and clear. Why doesn't my Picasa web album load properly but instead keeps reloading constantly and I have to catch the images with my mouse to edit them. Why doesn't the fourth image I uploaded today to my Wednesday's post October roses open larger when clicked, while the first three images do. Is it Picasa malfunctioning, the post too large, my alternative browser or perhaps applications running in the background? I am helpless and, in truth, not excited at the prospect of testing this. Any advice will be greatly appreciated :-)

Update: I did some testing and I don't think images won't open because a post is too large. There seems to be some kind of transmission or browser error.

I also spammed whoever is following this blog by deleting and reposting the same post three times. I am sorry - I'll try to refrain from doing so as much as I can. I understand only editing posts is safe in that respect. But is it possible to fix image opening errors by editing posts?

Update: Apparently, yes (while another hour has passed). I reset the PC. I changed the image name and reuploaded to the same post. It worked, the renamed image opened. Then I cut and pasted that image to place it correctly within the body of the post, and it got stuck again. I renamed and reuploaded again and this time cut and pasted text without touching the image. It opens. Phew! So it's either a question of some internal links and file names or it may have to do with the image being selected within the post - I wasn't sure if it was or wasn't selected. Perhaps I should work with the html code rather than the image displayed in the "compose mode" tab. Research to follow.

Also, apparently the Picasa web album only stores copies of blog images, as I deleted some from there (by mistake - it mixed up the numbers of displayed images) and I still have them, both small and larger versions, on my blog. Hooray. I feel like getting rid of Picasa should be my next step.

P.S. I noticed I had my background application off after resetting the PC.. but I doubt it affected test results.

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