Monday, October 20, 2008

Bright blue geranium

I don't know the name of this lovely blue and pink geranium. It very much resembles the variety Orion, which I've seen in bloom at a nursery. But I bought it without a label.

A couple of weeks ago, the plant in the picture was transplanted to its new home - a newly dug flowerbed not far from my house. That's why you can see bare soil around it. In the rainy weather that followed in September it quickly took root and even produced some flowers.

It is a faithful bloomer, one of the earliest in the spring, and repeats throughout the summer and fall. The spring flush is most spectacular. The plant is quite modest but the luminous flowers shine from yards away. Flower color is definitely its most attractive feature - it is my favorite among the geraniums I've collected so far. The flowers are not small, either, but medium sized, if not large - for a geranium. It is best planted in dappled shade because the hot spring sun makes the leaves curl and the flowers drop petals.

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