Friday, October 24, 2008

Fixing central heating...

I am trying to fix the central heating before winter arrives. Unfortunately, I had to change the boiler because the old one started seriously leaking last winter. Now I am having problems getting the whole system functioning. That is, the new boiler works all right but I cannot seem to force water into a majority of the radiators. Apparently, the system somehow drained itself through the holes in the old boiler and the radiators are now full of air. It isn't being properly released - hopefully due to their malfunctioning relief valves and not something more serious, such as obstructed pipes - which stops water from entering them.

I am having a plumber over tomorrow first thing in the morning to work on this. It's going to be his third visit.. During the first two visits he installed the boiler and made two attempts to fill the system with water, without any success. The water kept overflowing through the safety tank before the system was less than a half full. Initially, he thought the placement of the safety tank was causing this, so he experimented changing it. To an incorrect one, by the way, luckily it didn't make any difference, so tomorrow he's putting it back where it should be, i.e. where the hot water enters the system - instead of where the cooled water returns to the boiler, as he has it installed now. Then he's going to release the air from the radiators and try to fill the system up again. I sincerely hope he's finished around noon. In fact, he certainly will be because he's attending a wedding in the afternoon. No way he can miss that.. not his own wedding but he's truly a family man and will always put such social occasions before work.

I am wishing myself luck before his visit.

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