Monday, November 10, 2008

At the farm feat. yellow rose

A day at the farm. I cut down one medium sized oak tree and two large aspen stumps. Also began cutting two large aspen trunks - formerly attached to the stumps - into smaller pieces for the fireplace but did not manage to finish before dusk. When it was already getting dark I lost the screw which regulates the amount of oil released to the chain. It put an end to cutting because all the oil was pouring out of the screw hole. It was actually the oil's fault. I bought a new brand and the oil turned out too thick. It wasn't making it to the chain fast enough so I had to loosen the screw and bam - the oil actually pushed it out without me noticing. I have to find a replacement screw before I can cut again. Luckily it happened after I was finished with most of the work, in other case my whole trip to the farm would be in vain. I couldn't find any matching screws in the house and night would fall before I'd make it to the town and back to buy one.
The yellow rose is at least 9 foot tall but it is not a climber - it's extremely straight and upright and in this manner it makes it almost all the way up to the roof. It is always difficult to tidy up - the large flowers also grow very upright, close to the cane and to one another, plus they are very high up. The rose is planted next to the south facing wall of the house.

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