Sunday, December 7, 2008

A bit of a cold

I've been walking around with a slight headache all day yesterday and today. I have pain behind my eyes, so I think my frontal sinuses are slightly inflamed. Whenever I catch a cold, it always goes to those sinuses first. I am taking acetaminophen, drinking raspberry tea with honey and keeping myself warm. I hope it will go away in one or two days.

The past week has been a bit warmer, never below OC/32F, and I haven't switched on the central heating even once. I keep using my tile stove instead. The French door between the room with the stove and my bedroom remains open. If I start the fire in the afternoon, by late evening, after two or three loads of wood, my bedroom gets reasonably warm. By which I mean 14C/57F. I cover myself with several woolen and cotton blankets, as well as wear woolen an cotton socks, and I have no problem staying warm throughout the night.

Whenever the temperature outside falls below freezing, though, I do switch on the central heating because the apartment gets really cold. I try to warm it up for the evening by having the heat on for about 60-90 minutes, when I sit at the PC or watch TV. The temperature in the room raises to 16C/60F. Then I switch the heat off and go to bed. The temperature remains in mid 50s when I wake up.

My present cold has nothing to do with the relatively low temps around my house, by the way, I caught it outside while planting tulips.

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