Thursday, December 25, 2008

I never miss winter

"Can't wait to leave this 70 degree weather (I'm wearing a short sleeve shirt) and arrive home to 20 degree weather with snow. (...) I've actually missed Connecticut" - says Bill, packing to leave the sunny New Zealand. Alistair expressed the same sentiment last year, I think, when he actually cancelled his winter stay in Brazil after four days and returned to the UK because he couldn't stand the summer season.

I don't know. I cannot help thinking to do something like that is a sign of aging, both physically and psychologically. Like neither your body nor your psyche can accomodate a change in the cycle of seasons they've grown used to. I've never actually travelled to the tropics in the very middle of winter so I havent't had that very experience. But I did spend a week in the Canary Islands around the end of February, which is winter here, and enjoyed it thoroughly. Did not miss winter at home one bit. I mean how can you miss winter in the middle of summer? Very short hours of daylight, low energy, snow shoveling, heating bills, muddy streets and even slower traffic instead of sun high up in the sky waking you up at 5 a.m., high spirits, green pastures and garden work? I don't get it. I would gladly move to spend the rest of my life much, much closer to the equator.

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