Saturday, January 24, 2009

Another long morning

I deleted a video I posted before going to sleep because I don't want that ugly guy here. I had a bad night, slept for four hours at the most and was awakened by my neighbor's dogs. These people keep two large bitches, resembling German shepherds, to guard their property, plus their daughter has a freaking Yorkshire terrier. The little guy can be extremely loud - just wait until garbage men are around. He goes berserk and his barking is earpiercing. Horrible. The bitches on the other hand are not so loud but sometimes one of them will keep barking at the corner of their property for thirty minutes at some imagined intruder. Usually early in the morning, around five a.m., waking me up. They also bark at everyone passing by their property, which is not right, because there's a sidewalk there for people to use. If however you want to avoid the dogs throwing themselves at you and chasing you along the long fence, you have to walk on the other side of the road, where there is no sidewalk. A couple of years ago the dogs caused an incident where police were called because a mother was walking there with a small child and the child put its hand through the fence and got bitten. My neighbor concluded it was the mother's fault because the dogs are there to prevent people from putting their hands through the fence. Anyway. They've been quiet now that I am up. I hope my day will end on a better note.

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