Sunday, January 18, 2009

I had a little side job at the beginning of January, merely eight days but I got quite exhausted. There was no weekend break, I worked eight hours every day from Sunday to Sunday, and the commute time was three hours a day. I was fine during the first three days but by day seven I almost prayed for the job to end. I had to take sleeping pills on the two following nights because I felt so stressed from fatigue that I wouldn't be able to sleep well. Even though I then had three days off my regular job, I feel like I am still picking myself up. The good news is that the job will generate about 33% extra monthly income.

I also went food shopping last week and bought an incredible amount of meat. I don't know what came over me. It might be that I hadn't been eating too well in December because money was tight and I was continuously feeling a bit hungry. I bought two whole chickens, over two pounds of beef and a pound of each ground turkey, ground pork and pork belly. In total, more than eleven pounds of meat. Only when I started loading my refrigerator and couldn't fit it all in it dawned on me that I might have bought too much. I decided to cook and freeze most of it. So far I'm done with the ground pork (see the recipe for Chinese spaghetti), pork belly and beef, of which I made a delicious stew with gravy. I'm noticing that I've already put on some unnecessary weight.. so it's rather the winter cold than actual hunger that's making me crave those hearty, meaty meals.


travelling, but not in love said...

But it sounds like you're in tune with what your body is asking for - a bit of extra protein at this time of year can be very can a bit of extra insulation too!

Nico said...

I'll have to go for the insulation - my body certainly looks better without the extra weight.