Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Russian men - a style exercise

I never thought much of them, in the sense I've never given them much thought. Their homeland has long been a dead end disaster - why would anyone want to touch that.

Now there's a roommate of one of the bloggers I read. Lives in New York and has men of all colors, shapes and sizes available to choose from. Yet she used to obsess over a Russian man. Why would that be, I wondered? What is so seriously wrong with her that she wants a Russian guy for keeps?

Then, at work, at three separate times, I saw men who were different from those I usually see in that they were, well.. hot. What you would initially associate with Italian style hot - dark, somewhat hairy, sensual. (One was actually more blond but wore a cute hat, and also a cool hippie style outfit.) However, unlike Italians, they were very quiet. Wouldn't talk, just body language. Relaxed. This made them even hotter.

They all turned out to be Russian.

I was able to compare them with actual Italians who also showed up one day and boy, did the Italians fail to make an impression. Not only were they twice as old as the Russians. One of them smiled a lot and was a profuse and smooth talker but his content was sadly predictable. His companion, albeit handsome, was so arrogantly dissatisfied and uninterested in anything beyond his own comfort that my instant silent response was "yuck!".

While the Russians just sort of stood there, silent and looking good, and when they finally spoke, they were unassuming and polite, with just a hint of that notorious untamed nature showing. You know, open to things but not bragging about it. I tell you, they had me there.

I have no idea how they turn out as long term mates in the context of being immigrants in the US but yes. I see how you can be attracted to a Russian man.

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