Thursday, February 12, 2009

I almost caught a cold again. I had a bit of a cough for the past two days and yesterday I woke up with a slight fever. However, I think I managed to cure myself with hot raspberry tea with honey, aspirins, vitamin C and a large dose of an orange flavored milky liqueur I ingested yesterday night to warm myself up.

Since I needed to go shopping for food, I went around 7:30 p.m., after taking a warm bath and gulping down the last, large helping of the liqueur. My supermarket is usually overheated, so it only helped with the warming up process. Shopping there for an hour or so without taking your coat off is as good as staying in bed, with an added bonus of getting the shopping done.

Hmm. Come to think about it, my throat doesn't feel exactly normal this morning. More like it's a tiny bit sore. I'll be taking care to also stay extra warm today.

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