Sunday, February 1, 2009


Damn, I caught a cold. I left work unusually early yesterday and had to wait for the bus for twenty minutes. While normally I only get to wait for five minutes or so. I felt cold long before the bus arrived and continued to feel cold and miserable all day today. I took aspirin and vitamin C and even turned the heat on but I only began to warm up after I had a margarita. I have to work early tomorrow so I was hesitant to drink but I just couldn't warm up in any other way. Right now I'm having another one. Unfortunately, I ran out of Cointreau so I am having an unsweetened version of Tequila Sunset, I'd say, which is tequila reposado with juice of one lime and one orange. Boy does it feel good to get a little tipsy, LOL. I really should do it more often.

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