Sunday, March 15, 2009

Scenic Boys need your vote - Sunday, 2nd week of voting

And just when everybody thought that the same old boring voting is going to drag on until Friday, the amtr blog acted up. Man! When I left for work this afternoon, they still had 236 votes, 17% share, and had been stuck at the humble fourth place for the entire week. Not anymore! When I got home 8 hours later, they had 306 votes, i.e. 70 new people voted for them, and now, only 1 hour later, they already have 319 votes (i.e., 83 new votes today) and a fat 22% share. While their highest daily number of votes ever used to be 14, which they received on Monday March 2nd, and recently they were getting 1 to maximum 6 votes per day... Apparently fed up with this situation, they have now arranged to move up, so far to the third position, pushing Scenic Boys down to number four with a share of votes shrunk by 1%, i.e. to 20%.

In the light of these events, I think it isn't unreasonable to assume that on Friday March 20th the winner of this voting competition will turn out to be... the gHtv blog! LOL. Their supporters are only waiting for the right moment to cast their votes, folks.

This is fun. I can only imagine the Lonely Planet people laughing their backsides off. There is also the cursing IT guy in the background, whose job is to verify the votes.

Apparently, the Awesome Prize is much lusted after. And I'm not saying this to discourage anybody from competing cause it might be worth it! I'm very curious what the prize is. You go, guys!

Above, results in the wee hours of Sunday (12:07 p.m. CET/7:07 a.m. EST)
Below, results 8 hours later (11:40 p.m. CET/6:40 p.m. EST)

P.S. And the votes keep comin'! At 30 mins past midnight, amtr have 322 votes and 22% share.

Update 1:00 a.m. CET/8:00 p.m. EST:
Another 30 minutes and only 1 more vote for amtr. We seem to be enjoying a brief pause from all the excitement. Let's sum up: today, in the new record-breaking voting frenzy, amtr have outdone st3 on the highest daily number of votes by - so far - 18 votes. But is it over yet. We'll see what the morning brings.

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