Monday, March 2, 2009

Sure signs of spring

I woke up of my own accord around 9 a.m. (well, actually the phone rang but it was a very quiet ring).

I realized that I had dreamt about a guy in a gray suit jerking off over my naked butt while I was turning my neck to watch him ejaculate.

When I woke up, sun was already high and shining merrily through the blinds in my bedroom.

I got up instead of going back to sleep.

I scrubbed my philodendrons clean and dusted around them and threw away one dead plant.

That's it for this morning - just a hasty recall before I head to work.


travelling, but not in love said...

I have to scrub my philodendrons clean after those kind of dreams too...


Nico said...

LOL, TBNIL :-) But I actually gave them a bath the day before, on my day off. I used my licentia poetica when I said I did it on Monday.