Monday, April 27, 2009

Wild anemones

Last Sunday around noon I took my little niece to the nearby woods to take a closer look at the wild anemones. For the past few springs we've been seeing them from either car or bus windows and there were always so many, sparkling in the sun! It's been a joyful sight, the first wild flowers to bloom after the long winter, and in truly astonishing quantities. I've been intrigued by how exactly they grow and what the flowers look like, as well as by whether they appear transplantable from the natural woodland to a garden setting. This year I finally managed to get some answers. We first cycled to a spot near which I had seen the flowers, which is merely two bus stops away from my house, then we dropped our bikes and proceeded to investigate, trying not to crush the delicate plants with our feet.

path we took through the woods next to the power plant offices, anemone patches to the right

birches and wild anemones

standing tall (ca. 5 inches)

Because the wood is a reserve, we couldn't dig to see how deep the roots grow. I still don't know how well they might transplant, or how they spread. But we thoroughly enjoyed the masses of flowers, the gorgeous weather - sunny but cold enough to make us wear gloves, and our ride, which was the first bicycle ride this year for both of us. Today, a week later, all the little white flowers are still blooming.

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