Thursday, May 7, 2009

May Day cold

How come I had so much time to post in the last two days? I caught a cold again. I had three consecutive days off Monday to Wednesday, and, like I usually do, I immediately went to the farm. Unfortunately, on Monday the weather began to change, which was facilitated by a strong northern wind. I worked outside for about six hours and left the farm already with a sore throat, to wake up on Tuesday with a fever. Sheesh. Since it was even colder on Tuesday and Wednesday, I had no choice but to stay at home.

Scenic Boys kept me company for a while and now the 1984 song This is the day by The The is constantly playing in my head. Never heard it back in the day when it was released. Nice vocals there, although I don't particularly care for the video.

The good news is that yesterday we had an actual rain fall, for the first time in weeks. It rained for a couple of hours and this morning the garden looks considerably refreshed. Several irises have even grown an inch or two, and their flowers seem much closer to opening. I hope there will be no frost mid next week, i.e. the last frost date for my climate zone (5 to 6b), because I don't think they'd survive it. I like irises just about as much as I like tulips, so I am keeping my fingers crossed I'll be able to take pictures.

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