Saturday, January 23, 2010

Cat spreadsheet day

I spent the day calculating how much money I need monthly to feed my cats. And guess what. Based on my purchases during the month of December, one adult female cat plus three seven-months-old kittens need monthly no less than 23kg (46lbs) wet cat food plus 7kg (14lbs) dry cat food to eat and 5 liter milk 3.2 % fat plus 5 liter sweet cream 12% fat to drink. At leat that's what my cats consume. Man, I've been worried sick about how much those guys are costing me.

I determined I can't really afford the wet Whiskas for the bunch, I'll have to settle for the brands Kitekat, Winston and Tesco, in order from the most to the least expensive. Each of the three bought at a different supermarket. I try to feed them different tastes, both in order not to bore them and to assure better nutrition. They seem to like Winston best, which I buy at the Rossmann supermarket.

I've been aiming to reduce my daily stress induced by having to remember about buying their food and drink in small, day-to-day quantities. I've decided to buy their food just as I buy their litter - preferably, once each month. A twelve-pack of milk, a ten-pack of sweet cream and the cans. What relief. I'll have to work some more to learn the right proportions of beef, poultry, game, fish and you name it, but I'm really glad I'm on the right track.

The Spanish(?) woman I once encountered on the web, who calculated nutrients needed by cats based on nutrients provided by mice meat (!) remains my guru. She actually buys raw meat of various animals, takes hours to grind it including bones, and bothers to add taurine and whatever else is needed but not naturally there. She claims the result is more economical and beneficial to the cats than buying commercial wet cat food, which is based on grains and only contains 4% meat.. which (the 4%) I can sadly confirm, carefully reading the can labels. 

The little culprits are now asleep, their stomachs full of raw turkey hearts I defrosted and cut up for their dinner.

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