Tuesday, February 7, 2012

I have a doggie

I found a small terrier mix running down the street leading to my house on a particularly cold October night last year - the 9th, to be precise. He let me approach and pick him up... I took him home and we've lived together ever since, for almost four months now. He's very sweet and loving but a little troublemaker as well. Until this day I have to keep him separate from the cats because he keeps chasing them ferociously. His name is Little Bob and he's wire-haired black and tan. The vet estimates his age to be around four years.

Tonight he defended me from Exploding Eggs. I left four eggs boiling in the kitchen and forgot all about them. Oblivious to the strange noises coming from behind the closed door I was browsing the internets while Lil' Bob was becoming visibly upset and kept barking at the door. Shortly, upon hearing something fell quite loudly I realized the noise was not coming from the cats' room and got up. In the kitchen I discovered three eggs had already exploded and jumped out of the pot (I've only found one of them so far) while the fourth one split into halves within the pot and ejected the cooked yolk from its insides... Were it not for my Little Bob, my kitchen might have caught fire. Well, almost ;-) I praised and presented him with a beef Schmacko and he's been sleeping quietly next to me for the past hours.

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