Friday, October 17, 2008

Blog etiquette continued

All right, I've found the first "don't" that applies to me, and it's "Thou shall resize thy images". I used to have a slow dial-up connection so I know downloading huge ones hurts. I have to resize the pics I used for my page layout. I only test-uploaded them but now they've been sitting here for days. But what are the "annoying margin-breaking pictures" ?

On linking to other people's blogs: "I want visitors to my blog to enjoy an experience online and share in what I enjoy and hopefully get as much pleasure out of it as I do." That's where I stand. I like whoever I linked to.. either the person or his/her work or both.

On responding to people: "Respond to commenters. Your readers took the time to offer their thoughts, keep them coming back by reciprocating." I don't think this should be taken literally, like always respond. It's good to remain spontaneous and do whatever we feel like doing rather than feed a relationship with too much politeness. However, prolonged silence is telling.. that there is no relationship, LOL.

On the whole, I subscribe to the opinion that acceptable behaviors vary depending on the social circle we're in. At this stage, it's hardly possible to predict how people I don't know will react to whatever I do here. So umm.. let's just communicate and go with the flow.


Maryam in Marrakesh said...

I agree in pricinple that it would be a nice thing to do to respond to commenters butit's hard if you have too many. I don't know any bloggers who have upwards of 30 or 40 comments who manage to do so. But I do sometimes write a note if there is a specific question that is posed in a comment.

Lovely images here:)

Nico said...

Thank you, Maryam - and thanks for dropping by :-)

I go to your site for lots of gorgeous Marrakesh color and intriguing, exotic detail - both of design and everyday life. It's mostly a visual trip for me; some photographs stick in memory for a long time. I also love being able to see more of Africa.. although I admit reading about Rwanda with only one eye, and half closed upon seeing the word "genocide". Apart from those sad moments, you are having a wonderful experience there.. keep sharing!

I've never posted comments on your blog yet.. but if I do, I'll certainly understand that you may be too busy to answer.