Sunday, October 19, 2008

Still learning how to blog

I am going through the help files and it's tiresome. While I am pleased to discover that I made a couple of correct guesses regarding why I had problems with images, I am also disappointed to see that quite a few technical problems seem to arise in various areas of blogger on a daily basis. I realize this is normal but my eyes can only take so many hours in front of the screen. I'll certainly restrict myself to only working on whatever absolutely must be fixed in order for the blog to remain operative and reasonably looking.

Right now I'm working on another imperfection I noticed, which is that posts of interest to a few are displayed in their entirety for everyone to load and scroll through. Annoying. So I thought I'd try to hide items like food recipes or tech support details after the jump. Not only as of now but also retrospectively. I know a simple recipe for doing this exists somewhere.. I just have to find it, LOL.

Inevitably, I will also be testing those expandable posts. This may involve deleting them and multiple reposting after I change blog settings. If you are a follower, please bear with me or unsubscribe for a while.

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