Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Cocktail d'amore

I am not feeling well. Actually right now I'm on pain killers combined with tension relieving medication. I hope to sleep and improve through the night.

Recently I've been craving for food far more sophisticated than a turkey pate sandwich with Sriracha sauce, which is what I've just had.. I swear a splurge on a good dinner is long overdue. And I want to cook it, too.

Actually, cooking an exotic dish while drinking pink wine and watching TV in a cozy, warm kitchen is one of my favorite past times.

I particularly like to do it when I am not stressed by having to get up early on the next day to go to work. This is because I like to drink a little bit more pink wine than appropriate to celebrate those precious moments and stay up late.

What I have in mind this time is a simple Thai ground turkey curry with coconut milk, sweet potatoes, green peas and basil over white rice. I think it's inevitable.. it's been following me for weeks. I'll post a picture as soon as I make it.

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