Sunday, November 23, 2008

Snow has fallen

Overnight we had a snowfall of about three inches. The garden is all pretty in white. I try not to cut down too many plants before winter so that they can still show off covered by snow. Like the still green prairie cordgrass (spartina pectinata Aureomarginata) in the picture. The browned clump of grass in the background is siberian greybeard (spodiopogon sibiricus).

Today I moved some wood from the garage to the house and stacked it on a stairway next to my door. In this way it will stay dry and I can comfortably reach for it when I want to add more to my apartment stove. Then, prompted by the snow, I moved some wood I had stacked outside next to the house, to the garage. It will probably stay there, drying, for another week, until I run out of what I accumulated on the stairway. I plan to rotate wood in this manner for the rest of the winter.


travelling, but not in love said...

First snow. Too lovely.

Nico said...

I didn't really miss it.. but since it's here I am trying to enjoy it.

travelling, but not in love said...

And rotating wood sounds like a good way to pass long winter nights ;-)

Nico said...

It's fun! I am surprising myself with how much I enjoy it.