Monday, December 29, 2008

Miss Marple and Mr Murray

Just watched Miss Marple: The Sittaford Mystery (2006) starring, among others, James Murray as the bad boy as well as James Wilby whom I did not recognize but only found out after reading the reviews. Apparently, the movie was a horrible disappointment to Agatha Christie's fans because it was not faithful to the book. Still, blue eyed James Murray looked very seductive throughout, and he, as well as the plot, kept me in front of the screen for the full two hours. Which is very unusual, as I almost never watch fiction, but to be expected from a viewer - well, me - trying to comprehend a plot by Agatha Christie. There were so many characters, all involved in their own little intrigues, that I couldn't even remember their names, not to mention what their past and present interactions could possibly mean. I just sat there, stunned, and watched the costumes, make-up, hair and set design. Patricia Hodge was also in it. I think I'll be watching more Hallmark channel these coming weeks, I miss the English period movies. They are always so impeccable. So was James Murray in his high collar and trench coat, all buttoned up, hair cut and combed. Pretty and as English as they come. He's actually from Manchester.

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