Saturday, December 27, 2008

Dreamt a little dream

I dreamt that I was back in New York where my deceased friend was alive and well and we were discussing seeing each other again. We were as close as we used to be and the city, or rather brownstone Brooklyn, looked clean, friendly and inviting. Early fall was in the air and dusk was setting in. There were trees in leaf, small hotels and stores filled with lights and regular, normal people in the streets. I was visiting my friend and I was getting ready to leave but we couldn't really part after not having seen each other for so long. There were just the two of us hanging out in an empty room, the same intimacy and warmth were back between us, and we had a future together. I woke up extremely relieved emotionally. I am surprised that such a peaceful and soothing dream was born out of yesterday's feelings of heartache. The reason might actually be that just before going to bed I watched the cute snowpocalypse video from Scenic Boys and downloaded the Eartha Kitt Santa Baby Alexkid and DJ Sleep remix. Those guys emanate loads of good energy. I'm glad some rubbed off on me.

(image from

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