Friday, December 19, 2008

Last night I watched a documentary Intervention on Tressa Thompson. I didn't take pictures but damn was she goodlooking. All the way from her childhood through her adult years a strong, beautiful woman. A bit of a tomboy but she put the most charming face on it - a very pretty smile, a tender heart and a straightforward, fun-loving personality. Warmed my heart although she was a raging meth addict at the time the documentary was shot. I do hope she quit for good because the habit was beginning to show on her face.

She seemed quite a vulnerable person, the way she sunk into the local scene, got the tattoos and started doing drugs. Like she needed to belong somewhere. I mean the capri pants and a baseball cap were good for a twenty year old but when she became more womanly at thirty and still wore them, she looked more uniformed than dressed. Most of all, she seemed to need support from her family which she wasn't getting. I hope she has learned to live with it drug-free and continues to build a great life for herself.
Tressa Thompson Intervention (part 1)

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