Thursday, January 22, 2009

84 things about me

This is my 100th post. I intended to list 100 things about me in it because those lists seem to be popular with blog readers. I tend to read them myself. But I couldn't possibly bring myself to complete the task. I got seriously bored before I even reached 50. Since that list seemed much too short, with great effort, I lasted up to number 84 where I completely lost interest. I guess number 85 should say that I am not terribly introspective.

1. I'm an introvert and I tend to speak little.
2. I like having a lot of space for just myself.
3. I get tired around hyperactive people.
4. And around loud people.
5. I am absent minded.
6. I used to read a lot but these days I hardly read anything.
7. I hate newspapers.
8. I like eating well but cannot afford to do it very often.
9. I like cooking to eat well.
10. I hate being pressured into cooking.
11. I naturally gravitate towards healthy food.
12. I especially like Asian food. But I also like most foods except greasy and vinegary. I will gladly try almost anything.

13. I like gentle wines, liqueurs and tequila. I dislike strong, dry alcohols such as vodka, gin, whisky, brandy, cognacs.. Sometimes I will drink a light beer.
14. Corona beer with lemon makes me throw up.
15. I am not terribly fond of cocktails but I do like margarita and bloody mary.
16. I can drink little and burn alcohol with difficulty so I tend to avoid drinking.
17. I am not fond of sweets. My favorite tastes are hot and sour.
18. But I do like chocolate and punch-soaked, cherry-topped chocolate cakes.
19. I do not like peanuts.
20. My favorite ice-cream is fruit sherbets, particularly lemon and apricot.
21. I am thin.
22. I am fair skinned, blue-eyed, medium blond haired. I have one little scar on my body and I am slightly shortsighted.
23. I like to wear suede shoes.
24. I am currently single.
25. I am drawn to artistically inclined people.
26. I'm drawn to people who are my polar opposites. This combination doesn't always work out in the long term, though.
27. I used to laugh at the Zodiac but have observed that I don't get along well with most Aries and Scorpios.
28. I find personality and high intellectual capacity as alluring as good looks.
29. Size matters. It has to be right.
30. Obesity is not my cup of tea.
31. My best holidays were in Florida, driving from Miami to Key West to visit Hemingway's house. I loved the sea, wild palm trees viewed through house windows and the rainy weather.
32. My second best holidays were in the Canary Islands.
33. I am a sun lover.
34. I hate fall because when I don't get enough light my energy levels drop unbelievably.
35. I'd love to live in the mild climate of the Mediterranean, such as the Canary Islands or the south of Spain. The latter not being too mild but very sunny.
36. When on holidays, I like to sightsee. I don't like hanging around hotel pools.
37. My closest dream destination is Morocco. I'd also love to visit Thailand, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Japan..
38. The farthest I've been to Asia is Istanbul.
39. I am a good driver.
40. I do not like the radio on while driving. But I like conversation.
41. I do not speed unreasonably. But since the limits are set low, in fact I do speed.
42. I am always the last one on the road to notice a police patrol (see # 5).
43. I hate road rage and will take care to make other drivers comfortable. I accomplish this by staying away from them as much as possible.
44. I once considered working as a truck driver.
45. I am a late riser and an owl.
46. I always watch TV in bed and often fall asleep in the process, to find the TV still on in the morning.
47. I delude myself often.
48. Both my parents are alive and, although not very healthy, they are quite well.
49. I have a younger sister.
50. I have had one pet and it was a black stray cat He remained very independent throughout his life, i.e. refused to be locked in and would only come home to eat. That suited me perfectly.
51. I've never had any other pets because I didn't want the responsibility.
52. Sometimes I think I'd like a large parrot for a pet.
53. I don't like talking to people who are on drugs. Their misperception of reality makes me feel I am wasting time.
54. A performer's drug habit usually doesn't stop me from enjoying his/her performance.
55. I don't do drugs.
56. I used to smoke but quit at the turn of the century, i.e. on January 1st, 2000. My capacity was up to 10 cigarettes a day.
57. I am a fan of the New York subway.
58. I enjoyed watching the show Parco P.I.
59. Long artificial nails fascinate me.
60. I don't like tattoos and heavy piercings.
61. I have been told my psychological territory seems a tad too large.
62. I do have unsolved problems that affect my daily life that I should take care of.
63. One of my problems is inability to control clutter.
64. I also procrastinate much too much.
65. I am obsessive-compulsive.
66. I hate dust but I hate dusting even more. Unless I have a central vacuum.
67. I don't clean as often as it is required.
68. I like garden work.
69. I am better at cutting hair than some hairdressers.
70. I like working with my hands.
71. I like DIY projects.
72. I love tulips.
73. The most beautiful countryside I've seen was Tuscany.
74. I usually don't like big parties.
75. I don't like crowded places.
76. I dislike having smells imposed on me. This includes perfume.
77. Some perfumes give me an instant sinus-splitting headache.
78. But I like dim lit places filled with the smell of incense.
79. I used to almost never be at home. These days I am at home almost all the time.
80. I can turn 180 degrees with behaviors and predilections for things.
81. I no longer have a stationary phone number.
82. I do not like the sound of German and despite attempts never learned that language.
83. I used to speak very decent Russian.
84. I think ayurveda makes a lot of sense.


travelling, but not in love said...

That's quite the list there...I also like tulips, incense and the New York Subway. Beyond that, I think I may get on yoru nerves, he he.

Nico said...

It's all a matter of degree.. I'm sure you are a charming man, TBNIL.