Thursday, March 12, 2009

Scenic Boys need your vote - Thursday, 2nd week of voting

The recent trend continues. Again, many votes for st3 yesterday - another 12 have been cast during the last 8 hours or so, which adds up to the total of 35 votes. It is the second highest number of votes they've received after the record-breaking 69 votes of last Thursday. They remain at number one, 97 votes ahead of the boys. This situation is not likely to change, since the other blogs tend to receive merely below 10 votes each. The shares remain the same, except amtr lost 1% and now has 18%. The boys (third place) are receiving fewer votes than 2guys (second place), so the distance between them keeps growing, if ever so slightly. Luckily, amtr is receiving even fewer, so they are not likely to take the boys over. It seems like the boys are stuck at number three for good.

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