Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Scenic Boys need your vote - Wednesday, 2nd week of voting

Little has changed since yesterday. The boys remain at the third position with 22% share and only 6 new votes received yesterday. The now leading st3 blog received twice as many and its share grew by 1% - they now have 28% and are 67 votes ahead of the boys and 15 votes ahead of 2guys, who remain at number two with an unchanged share of 26%. The boys seem to be safe from the competition of the amtr blog (at number four), who have been receiving only a couple of votes per day and remain 35 votes behind them with 19% share.

Update 1:50 p.m. CET/8:50 a.m. EST:
10 new votes for st3 during the last 3,5 hours.

Update 11:00 p.m. CET/6:00 p.m. EST:
And 13 more votes for st3 during the last 9 hours. The boys lost 1% share to them. St3 upgraded to 29%, the boys went down to 21%.

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