Monday, April 13, 2009

Dream stuff

like shirtless Fuzzy in blue sheets and D. Monkey outdoing B. Pitt - and much more - is where I've been today. Relaxing because I'm sick. I spent the day on the internet watching the boys' videos which for some reason I hadn't been able to comfortably watch before due to transmission delays. I have no clue if it's because of the Easter holiday and people being away from their PCs or my watching the videos directly at vimeo but I managed to actually see and hear at least 95% of the content of each. I had a great time.

I much needed that time out. I had loads to do at work in the week before Easter, and came home exhausted practically every night. Then, although I did start the weekend on Saturday, I also wanted to clean up the garden at least around the entrance to the house to make it look welcoming for the holiday. It took me all Saturday. I dragged bags of soil to less visible spots, I raked, swept, and finally cleaned out two large pots and planted some pansies. I barely noticed that, although sunny, it wasn't all that warm outside, and I did start out with my hair completely wet from the shower. When I finally sat down after dark, I realized that not only my back was hurting so much I almost couldn't move, but suddenly my nose was also running. A lot. It really went downhill from there. I spent Easter Sunday first recuperating from all the effort and then, towards the evening, developing a fever. Consequently, today I had to stay inside trying to get rid of it. Except for enjoying the videos and pics I didn't have much fun, drinking hot tea, a calcium solution with vitamin C and blowing my nose all day. I couldn't even eat. I am feeling slightly better by now, though, so hopefully I'll be back on my feet tomorrow.

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