Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter cold continued

I switched to alternative therapy tonight. Imbibed two margaritas to ensure I'm warm on the inside (just needed a good reason, really, I simply felt ripe for a drink). Knocked myself out a bit with those. I also applied camphor spirit topically on my forehead to warm up my sinuses, twice so far, but hell, I can't feel a thing. I don't think it's working anywhere deeper than the topmost layer of my skin. My last hope is a large cotton towel folded and wrapped around my forehead while I sleep. It usually helps. I've managed to get rid of the running nose, you see, but instead I now feel my frontal sinuses are swollen and inflamed. Not painful, just uncomfortably swollen so that I can't breathe through my nose too well.

What else. For the margaritas I tried a new brand of tequila, called Don Diego. It's about $3.00 cheaper than my usual Sierra brand but you can tell the difference immediately upon unscrewing the cap on a bottle. Both are reposado but Don Diego reeks of fresh unprocessed alcohol and I don't like that smell at all. If you ever face the choice and can spare three bucks, buy a Sierra with a cute Mexican hat on top of the bottle and not a Don Diego. I will finish the bottle of Don Diego, though, since I always mix my tequila in cocktails or I cook with it, so the exact taste is not so noticeable. It's not exactly bad, anyway, but the Sierra is better.

here's what I'm talking about

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