Monday, October 12, 2009

Cothay Manor

I've just watched another episode of Stately Suppers and was totally charmed by Cothay Manor in Somerset, hosting the episode. The large medieval manor from 15th century, surrounded by two-star (meaning a top distinction) gardens with yew and box topiaries and a collection of rare plants. The most romantic, human scale house with equally lovely gardens. As its internet page states, "not a museum but a living house".

Also scribbled down a delicious sounding recipe for a mussel sauce to accompany oven-baked salmon, presented by chef James Martin:

chop some shallots and leek,
slice mushrooms and fennel
add some curry powder and saffron
pour in some Pernod (or other anise liqueur)
bring to boil
add the mussels (raw in shells)
pour in sweet cream
add chopped (!?) bay leaves and chopped parsley
enrich with butter
season with salt and pepper
bring to boil and cook for 5 minutes until the mussel shells open.

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