Friday, December 25, 2009


After a week of severe frost a couple of days ago today we've been enjoying a day of 10 C, apparently a single spring-like day at the very beginning of the actual winter. Amazingly warm and no wind whatsoever. I managed to plant fifteen bulbs of Pink Impression tulips. With leaves almost 2 inches tall, the bulbs were somewhat dry, so I'm curious if they will produce flowers. I also planted one bulb of giant allium, in a bit of half shade I'm afraid, so I also wonder if I'll see it flower. And I cleaned about a dozen huge clay pots in which I grow seasonal flowers. I brought them inside the house because I was afraid they'd crack if major frosts return in January and February.

I'm behind with so much home and garden work this fall. At work, I've been requested to submit my vacation plans for the following year by the end of December. I guess that's what stimulated me to step outside and tackle some of the work immediately. While planning yesterday I realized how much needs to be done and how little time combined with favorable weather and unpredictable circumstances (although I sincerely hope there will be no such circumstances next year!) I will have to accomplish it. I'm so glad I've got some of the work done today.

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