Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reluctantly, a day off

Today I took a day off on request, the first of four such days I'm entitled to in a year. I suddenly felt so tired I decided I needed to stay home for two days (I had a regular day off yesterday) instead of just one. The stress of working closely with several people, some of whom I don't like - despite attempts patiently repeated over the last four months - has gotten to me with full force.

Were it not for my charming colleagues I'd have to work with today, I'd march to work smiling. Unfortunately, the already not so young lady who gave up her maternity leave (wrongly, 'cause apparently she can hardly take the demands of her daily life and takes out her stress on anyone she feels she safely can) will be there, as well as the hyperactive young man who never ceases to speak in a very loud voice (and I mean LOUD). I called it quits - I couldn't get out of bed at the thought of having to spend at least six hours of an otherwise lovely evening in their company. I hope I'll manage to avoid both in the coming days so that I relax a bit myself.

I've been considering requesting to move back to the position I held last year because there at least I could work alone, which is definitely my preference. I honestly didn't think the change would turn out to be such a bad move.. hoped they would get to like me or at least be polite around me without liking me. Neither seems to have happened with some of them and I will have to work with them for several days each month. The salary has not changed and the hours did change - to worse. Was it really worth it.

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