Monday, March 1, 2010

Reluctantly, back in the business

I've managed to avoid my obnoxious colleagues for twelve consecutive days. Today was the first day since mid-February when I actually showed up to work with them. That is, not with the obnoxious ones, actually (they were absent today except for one, the very loud young man) but at the spot where I normally work these days. Sigh. Wasn't so bad although the young man did try to purposefully hit me with the door. Sigh. I've been giving him the silent treatment and he's been taking it badly. For weeks now. Perhaps I should stop because I feel it's draining me of energy. The past twelve days was a combination of my days off and days of working elsewhere at my own request. Very satisfying and relaxing. I didn't have vacation and I nearly feel as if I had one!

Right now I'm watching TV - a series of episodes of a documentary entitled "Very Bad Men".. nothing too graphic this evening, though.. a "Sweetheart Swindler" and such.. - and sampling a white port wine. In case you have not tried it, it's not as tasty as a ruby or tawny. The flavor of white wine is not strong enough to balance the fortifying liquor, resulting in a wine a bit lacking in flavor and character when drunk on its own. Of the three, ruby tastes the smoothest and tawny the most interesting - the white one comes third. Still, here's to a good day tomorrow!

My schedule for March looks much better than the one for February, for ninety percent of the time I'll be working with the part of the team I do like or at least don't mind: the very temperamental young lady born under the sign of Leo - just like myself, hence the understanding perhaps, the elderly very diplomatic lady (liked by everyone 'cause she never says anything mean to anybody - how I wish I could do that!), and the two twentysomething boys, one very - babyface - cute.. both suspected by the majority to be gay, which, however, they blatantly deny. I wish myself luck.

The highlight of the month will undoubtedly be the Spring or Vernal equinox when we switch to Daylight Saving Time - Sunday March 28th - immediately followed by four days off work I duly planned last December and was granted this February to celebrate the coming of More Light and to begin the much needed spring cleaning. I can't wait!

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