Sunday, April 11, 2010

Moldovan Pinot Noir

All right, so they've had that cute blond guy selling Moldovan wines adorn the wine store with his graceful persona for months now. A pretty face and an ever so slightly rounded body - just squeezable - wearing a collection of closely fitting v-necks in flattering colors such as greyish blue and cocoa. Appearing back at work slightly tanned after his days off.

I've been staring at him for just as long while at work. They finally sold the region to me tonight.

I made my first purchase of a Moldovan wine ever and I'm now drinkng a semi-sweet Pinot-Noir - Kazayak Vin brand - which was very moderately priced as compared to its Western European counterparts. I'm quite pleased. While at first sip the wine indeed seemed sort of rough, not too subtle or polished, you more or less stop noticing this once you get past your first glass. It then becomes mostly fruity and very slightly acidic. Not exceptionally smooth but then again it's my first Pinot Noir so I have nothing to compare it to. Perhaps that's the way Pinot Noir is. Anyway, I'm quite pleasantly surprised with the quality of the wine for its price - about 4 Euros per bottle. I think it is a decent substitute for the more expensive French or Portuguese wines when you have to drink on a budget.

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