Monday, May 17, 2010

Sipping a randomly bought 12% alcohol Moldovan white wine the name of which translates as "Monk's Soul" (?). It is definitely light bodied compared to the wines I've been drinking recently. Although labeled as semi-sweet, it is also not sweet enough, so I'm mixing in honey as I drink. The honey helps quite nicely, canned peaches might also fit in but I'm still planning to eat soup with white kielbasa so I'll skip on those.

I bought the wine after work at a local 24/7 store so it was double overpriced. Still, it's better than nothing after the six hours I spent at work with one of my charming female colleagues whose life amounts to nothing if she doesn't stir up an argument with someone about once every ten minutes. I thought our evening together would never come to an end. My head felt like it was square-shaped and I was clenching my teeth in order not to get up and strangle her. I mean this woman annoys and stresses the hell out of me. She's married with three young children. Especially in my present state of slight tipsiness, I do not understand what kind of a pervert it takes to enjoy her company day and night night and day.

However, my day at work ended on a pleasant note. Imagine this: around 8 p.m. the charming colleague storms out of where we work together, as usual, without saying a word about where she could be found or the hour of her return in case someone needed her. Comfortably ignoring her uncooperative behavior, I continue to work in the most pleasant solitude. A couple of minutes later, our boss, a guy in his twenties, storms in, red in the face, and asks me: "Please announce through the loudspeaker that Ms. X (i.e., my charming colleague) is requested to present herself at my desk immediately." Honeybunch! Trouble! I obeyed with pleasure, trying to sound as detached as I could through the loudspeaker. My mood improved considerably. Soon after the announcement, my charming colleague walked in, surprisingly quiet and immersed in thought, mumbling: "I'm not signing any reprimand notes!" Ooh. A reprimand? Finally. Lady, if I were your boss, you'd be miserable every minute of your life at this job. The reprimand story continued until our work ended today, our young boss was clearly so mad at her he was not about to let go. They were still arguing at his office when I left for home at 9:32 p.m. I'm curious as to what she had done to annoy him so badly but I'll have to wait for tomorrow's gossip to learn - today, with everybody around me mad, I preferred to keep my mouth shut. My tension melted somewhat - finally someone kicked her ass as she should have it kicked - but then on my way home I craved for something sweet to put me to sleep and drifted to the 24/7 store.

I'm now browsing through some photo galleries showing the great models of the nineties - my fave at the time was the short haired platinum dyed Linda Evangelista - and I encountered a photo from the L'Oreal Legends Gala 2008 at the American Museum of Natural History, NYC 10/11/08, where she appeared next to Diane Keaton. Well. While you should know I really really liked Ms. Keaton in all her movie appearances, including "The First Wives Club", and I think she is a beautiful and charming woman, I cannot understand how a person who is so successful and can certainly afford a stylist, could appear in an outfit, hairstyle and haircolor she wore for the aforementioned gala. Hands down, hers is the tackiest look of all. Everything is wrong, including the necklace and the way it's worn. Sheesh. A true shocker next to the clean-cut, pin-up haired Linda.

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