Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I think if I read yet another hymn to a woman whose name I do not intend to mention on this blog I'm going to cut myself. I mean I've honestly tried to read this guy's blog, he's written a nice book and all but he hardly ever diverts from the woman. WTF??? You're about to hit forty if you haven't yet! He's obsessed by her looks, her wealth, her success. He keeps posting videos and magazine clippings, analyzing what she looks like in this one as opposed to that one, what she's wearing and how everybody should be floored by that. As if that were not enough, he has taken to finding similarities in the looks of other celebrity women to the woman's looks, and making no less than collage clippings where the two ladies are presented side by side indeed resembling each other be it by a hairdo, makeup or a particular pose. Post after post after post after post and then you turn the page and there he goes again. I mean talk about sick. This is a grown man with some life going on. Anyway. I was holding this rant back for a good couple of months because I thought he'd stop. But he didn't. I wouldn't want to blow it out of proportion but hello. Enough!

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