Sunday, April 25, 2010

Tiger neutered

My little Tiger was neutered last Thursday, at the age of ten months. While he looked merely a bit confused when he fully woke up around 8 p.m. on that day, now he clearly remembers that something violent was done to him and is very scared when I approach him and look at him for any longer than a moment, or when a stranger enters our home, as my father did today. The poor beast crawled and hid in the farthest and darkest corner of the cats' room and stayed there until my father left.

He also doesn't eat almost anything and drinks very little. Today he (I think) puked some watery yellow foam. I'm concerned if he could have caught something at the vet's, since he's not been vaccinated against anything as of yet. I'm hoping it's just drug poisoning from the anesthetic shot and he's going to improve soon. Although he's noticeably thinner than his pre-neutering self, he remains strong enough to jump up onto the table as well as the window sills.

His general level of energy, however, has been reduced by at least 70%, and this is really sad to watch. I hope he recuperates and regains at least another 40% of his strong, brave and proud former self.

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