Friday, October 17, 2008

Blog etiquette

Damn, I see people asking around if they can have links to other people's blogs on their site. I haven't asked anybody. And perhaps I should because I've already mentioned two people in my posts. I am sort of talking about them behind their backs. I realize they don't know about it because they haven't visited my page, but what if they do and get upset seeing their sites linked from mine. I wonder what problem they might have with this. Not wanting to be associated with just anybody out there who happens to stumble upon their blog and like it, while they don't know or like this person back?

However, it's quite convenient to keep a list of blogs at hand right on mine; I have so much other stuff in my browser's bookmarks that I can hardly find anything anymore. So until I do my research and discover that I'm committing a major faux pas here, please don't take offense if you find yourself linked. And I'll take you off the list the moment you request it.

Having so consoled myself, I'm adding another link.. to someone I completely don't know - an outspoken Irishman in exile, who introduces himself as little Connor - a man born with only one kindney.


travelling, but not in love said...

I think just add away - It took me a while before I added any links, and I'm glad I did. And Conortje is a great addition to any blog roll.

I'm enjoying your blog and look forward to seeing you over at mine on a regular pressure, of course!


Nico said...

Welcome, TBNIL, and thanks for the words of encouragement :-) I am new to blogging and I am sure I will continue to make mistakes here and there without knowing it.. But I am researching the etiquette topic as I type!