Friday, March 27, 2009

Hot chilies

I had a day off yesterday and I went on a small shopping spree. With Easter in view, my local supermarket imported more kinds of fresh hot chilies than usual. I bought a pack of each: the yummy jalapeños from Spain and habaneros grown in Uganda. As well as the mildly hot long green chilies, country of origin unspecified, and shiitake mushrooms, grown locally, which went on sale. I'm looking forward to tasting the habaneros as I've never had them before. Apparently their hotness varies depending on the location where they were grown, the weather during ripening time and other factors. I picked the smallest ones in case they were extremely hot so that I don't need to save a half of a fruit for another dinner because I'm sure they wouldn't keep. But I think they will not be all that fiery, at least not so fiery as not to be edible.

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