Thursday, April 2, 2009

Chinese hot and spicy chicken

Thanks to the bite from anise and hot peppers, this is so good that I ate it for lunch, dinner and supper yesterday. I consumed an entire pot of rice which normally lasts me two days. Yummy!

Chinese hot and spicy chicken

4 T oil
1 scallion
2 hot peppers or more
1 green bell pepper (optional)

1 T shredded ginger
1 T sherry
2 T light soy sauce
2 lb fryer chicken

1/2 cup chicken broth
1 T light soy sauce
2 T wine vinegar
1 T sugar
1/2 t salt
1 t anise pepper
1 T cornstarch

Marinate the chicken:
Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces, marinate 15-20 mins in ginger, sherry, soy sauce mixture.

Prepare the veggies and make sauce:
Cut scallion and hot peppers diagonally into 1-inch pieces. Grind anise pepper to powder. Mix chicken broth, soy sauce, wine vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper.

Stir fry:
Heat oil. Add scallion and hot pepper and stir fry several times.
Add chicken with marinade and stir-fry for 1-2 mins more. Add chicken broth mixture, mix well.
Cook over low heat until chicken is tender. Add cornstarch to thicken.

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