Thursday, May 21, 2009

Sneaky snails

While talking about the fauna of my garden, let me also mention that yesterday, when carrying some weeds to the compost pile in the shadows of the eastern part of the garden, I accidentally walked upon two large snails which I thought were having sex. Facing each other, they actually stood on the ends of their tails while the rest of their bodies were glued to each other, and they were checking each other out with their tentacled eyes really intensely. I'd never seen snails do anything like that before. They looked very sculptural. Also romantic, making out in the dappled shade of the very middle of the path..

Unfortunately, I have no pic of those guys, just of another random snail I noticed marching through my groundcovers towards, I believe, one of my geraniums, with the intent to eagerly consume it in its entirety, as they do each spring. It's been raining on and off lately and they've started to come out in large quantities. I've already seen iris stalks chomped into halves and holes eaten in their petals. Suddenly, there are fewer leaves on my hostas. Time to spread those poison treats, darlings..

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