A puzzling question posed before the browsing public has recently startled me when I displayed the usual search page in my browser. What does your internet look like? Indeed, what? Seduced into responding the twenty questions of a Webify Me quiz, I hereby enclose its result - a picture of what my internet looks like. Allegedly showing how and what I use the internets for. Doesn't seem too graphic... just the everyday stuff, really. I don't understand how a bottle found its way there, though.
P.S. I'm noticing my style tonight seems strangely influenced by the baroque (click at your own risk - I've just had a warning page displayed about malicious infectious content within it, first time ever in years of visting) newyorkshitty blog (a.k.a. thatgreenpointblog, coming "to you from the garden spot of the universe") No clue as to why, either.
Perhaps not a good day for linking to that particular blog... I really had nothing to do with infecting it with anything, folks. I sincerely hope Miss Heather has her blog cleaned up and lets us savour her writing (and photography) again soon!
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