Saturday, July 4, 2009

Parrot tulip Estella Rijnveld

I can't believe I have not posted pictures of the single best of my tulips this year. First waiting for them to finish flowering, so that I could sum up their peformance, and then amidst the turmoil of the most unfortunate month of June I had, I simply forgot.

I mentioned planting them last fall and you might have thought they didn't come up. Oh no. Estella Rijnveld, aka Gay Presto, developed handsome buds in the first week of May,

opened its flowers in the second,

and bloomed until the end of the month, when the rains and wind finally helped it drop its gorgeous petals.

The tulip is not very tall and doesn't even look much like a tulip, especially from a couple of yards away and to the unsuspecting eye. But belive me it is fabulous. The red and white of the flowers looked so crisp and refreshing! They literally sparkled in the morning shade of the spot where I had planted them.

Fascinated by the color and shape of the petals, I spent many minutes crawling in the grass to take pictures. I kept peeking at them through the window. I simply couldn't get enough of them!

The flowers are quite large and resistant to the elements - a mere rain doesn't harm them at all. They just dry off and keep turning their heads to follow the sun whenever it shows again.

Sturdy and beautiful, Estella Rijnveld is worth every penny it costs. Which is twice as much as the more common tulips. A true feast to the eyes. I can't say how well it returns because I've enjoyed it for the first time this spring. But I'll definitely be buying it again.

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